Sunday 2 May 2010

Me. Before AN.

'Hi! my names H and Im currently in the first year at Uni and loving it! My interests include going out clubbing, shopping, generally being silly with my friends and sleeping in only kidding about the last one-thats a bi-product of the others ;)
I've made so many great new friends here, we're all one big happy family, and its so great being able to pop next door and see them whenever. Happy days are generally spent stumbling still half comotosed from the night before into uni, and giggling as we pass a boy we may have kissed..'Him! What were you thinking, or more to it-what were you drinking?!', before refueling on crisps and chocolate, or perhaps a pizza hut buffet-naughty but cant say no to the dough!- and heading home to get ready for another night out or a duvet DVD sess.
Anyway this all makes me sound very shallow-which im really not. I do want to get good marks and make my family proud, and i will knuckle down and do some work very soon. I do miss my family too-and i love it when i go home on holidays and see them. Not sure what I want to be yet, I choose my course because i found it really interesting, and i hope career inspiration will come in due course. Anyway thats enough about me for now! Got to go, pizzas here and another film sess about to go down next door!